2011年3月24日 星期四

台北-內湖-桐花-客家菜-Tpe-Nei Hu-Tunghua-Hakka Cuisine-25 Feb 11

When Cing2 was coming to Nei hu in lunch time…
”Nei Hu Bang” Aciao, An2 & Anne or Joe will have a good lunch together.. 
this time at Hakka Cuisine “Tong Hua”…
Fine restaurant..good for gathering or treat your company’s guest here…
We ordered 4dishes and spent around NTD2000…medium expensive…
Most of the guests ordered signature Menu “ Taro Rice Flour Soup“…really nice..not to light…Each dishes portion are quite small but good coz we can order many dishes..but not good coz we have to pay more ..hahaha…

