2010年7月30日 星期五

嘉義-"林聰明"-沙鍋魚頭-Jia Yi-"Lin Cong Ming" Fish Head Pot-15 Feb 10

two thumbs for this food..
really nice.....try it.....

嘉義-家樂福夜市-Carrefour Nite Market-15 Feb 10

The name is so familiar, isn't it?
yes..coz it is near Carrefour.....
I thought It is quite small nite market..
but when you are walking inside..
it is quite big...n same as others nite market..
so we were just looking around...

嘉義-"三雅"火雞雞肉飯-Jia Yi-"San Ya" Chicken Rice-15 Feb 10

都不錯吃 口味滿重
It was our last chicken rice in Jia Yi...
Not bad at all..
The Noodles were nice too...quite rich..
love Jia Yi's foods...

嘉義-阿娥豆花-Jia Yi-"Ah E"-Pudding Tofu-15 Feb 10

所以我們等到下午 才吃得到.
 不錯吃 很綿密喔

We have to wait till afternoon ..
coz they start from around 03:00pm
Pls find seat first then order...
You have to focus to the waiters..
coz she forgot my order~~~~ >.<~~~~~

嘉義-吳記-排骨酥-Jia Yi-Wu Ji Fried Rib-15 Feb 10


2010年7月29日 星期四

嘉義-"噴水"雞肉飯-Jia Yi-"Pen Sui" Chicken Rice-15 Feb 10

 叉燒、香腸: 好吃~~~~
This store is quite famous......n so many people were same as us too..
Born to eat "Chicken Rice" for a whole day..hohahaha..
The Ja Xiu & Sausage: Not bad too..

嘉義-七彩-蓮子冰-Jia Yi-Seven Colours-Iced Lian Zi-15 Feb 10

蓮子很軟..又甜 可是湯太甜ㄌ
The Lian Ci was quite soft...yummy..
but the iced was too sweet...and asked adding iced twice..

嘉義-"綠豆姆"-Jia Yi-"Lu Dou Mu"Mixed Ice-15 Feb 10

not bad..

嘉義-"道口燒雞"-Jia Yi-Dao Kou BBQ Chicken--15 Feb 10

我們買半隻 可惜已經冷掉
如果可以吃得到 "剛剛出爐" 有多好喔
吃的時候 真的想到小時候吃的那味道..
We just bought 1/2  and already cool..*so pity*..
Just wondering :
if we coult eat it after it came out from the oven ...it would be great..hehhe
When we're eating this chicken, I remembered my childhood..
Coz the taste was quite similiar...."Yummy"

嘉義-郭家粿仔湯、雞肉飯-Jia Yi-Guo Family -Chicken Rice, Mix Glutinous Soup-15 Feb 10

到處都看得到雞肉飯喔 問題是 "那一家最好吃呢?"
我們吃了很多家 通通都不錯吃喔
可是最喜歡這家喔 很香喔
Chicken Rice is a signature dish from JiaYi.
You have to eat it ~~
Don't worry...You can find it everywhere ..
We tried 4-5 different stores..
But which one is the best?
We chose Guo Family...coz they added some sauce in the rice..
really nice...yummy..

嘉義-"郭"豆奶攤-Jia Yi-"Guo" Do Nai Tan-15 Feb 10

在嘉義 租機車之後  第一站 就跑到這一家
還好來得及ㄏㄏ 原來到12:00ㄌ 
After rent the motorcycle...just direct to this store..
coz netter said business hour was till 11:00am..
We arrived around 10:45...*fuihhhh*...
actually 06:00pm-12:00am...hohh...
Their menus are quite diffirent w/ others..
you can find French toast, Mantao, Special Menu, etc..
Really rich...yummy~~~

2010年7月28日 星期三

高雄-"台北美和豆漿-KaoHsiung-"Taipei Mei Ho Soya Bean Breakfast"-17 Feb 10

這家店特別寫 "台北"早餐喔
是要強調台北式早餐ㄅ? ㄏㄏ
Their board mentions "Taipei" breakfast..
I guess..Taipei's style? hehee..

綜合飯團-Mixed Glutinous Rice Ball-28 July 10

本來當早餐 可是吃不下
牛肉鬆、香腸、海苔、炒蛋黃...很豐富喔 ㄏㄏ
it become my tea time...
i used ready food for the filling..
beef meatfloss, sausage, seaweed, stir fried yolk...really rich..hahhaha..

高雄-薑母鴨-KaoHsiung Duck Ginger Soup-16 Feb 10

因為Dee沒吃過 所以確定吃浙薑母鴨
所以吃剛剛好 因為湯有含酒 身體暖一些...ㄏㄏ
Thank's to MingXio treated us to eat this food...
coz Dee never ate it before...n it was quite cold after raining a whole day...
Stir Fried Pork's Blood was nice too...also thin noodles too..
so yummy.....

高雄-"周"燒肉飯-KaoHsiung-BBQ Rice Box-16 Feb 10

不錯吃 甜甜ㄉ
So many stores closed due to CNY..
it was so lucky that this store just resumed back from long holiday...heheh..
Really good.....rich..sweet...yummy

台南-瑞比冰淇淋-Rabbit Ice Creams-14 Feb 10

去安平路上  看到這家 很多人排隊...
滿便宜 7球-NTD100....
生意很好 可是店裡只有一個人要對付很多客人...厚
We saw this store when on the way to Anping..
so many peoples were queing up..
quite cheap-7scoops-NTD100..
I was wondering..why the boss didn't hire other person to help her?
Coz she is alone & so many guests were waiting for her service... (-.-)|||

台南-阿堂鹹粥-Tainan Salty Porridge-15 Feb 10

It is Tainan's breakfast..
quite expensive....but not bad...

台南-連得堂-Tainan Lian De Dang-15 Feb 10

店面很傳統喔 老闆在店裡慢慢做煎餅...
美個口味買一包..覺得最好吃還是原味 "味噌"..
後來想再買..老闆講 "限定一個人一天只能買2包" 厚
都沒什麼人排隊...還要限定 真是ㄉ...
The store is really traditional as you see at blw pic.
We bought all 4flavours and The most yummy was original flavour...
When we wanted buying more...they said." LIMITED -ONE PERSON : 2PACKS/DAY"  
No one was queuing up..but still limited...*Sigh*

台南-小北夜市-Tainan- Xiao Bei Nite Market-15 Feb 10

夜市不太大 人也很少 都不用排隊ㄏㄏ
The nite market is quite small.. n the people was not many as Garden Flower ..
so no need to queue up..heheh..

台南-花園夜市-Tainan-Garden Flower Nite Market-14 Feb 10

比較特別是 蚵仔煎...下面有加豆芽菜喔
還有其他口味喔 蝦、花枝、總合等
so crowded...even walking you had to queue up too *sigh*..
same as Shilin Nite Market...
More special is Oyster Omelet ..
They added  bean sprouts ...
Beside Oyster, for the filling you can choose Shrimp, Squid, Mixed, or etc...
n the sauce was so yummy...sweet..

2010年7月27日 星期二

台南-赤崁樓小吃附近的小吃店-小南門、浮水花枝羹-Chi Kan Lou's restaurants-Xiao Nan Men, Assorted Ice, Fu Sui Squid Soup -14 Feb 10

吃這個之後就愛上米糕  好好吃喔....
Love sticky rice after ate this....Yummy

雖然有點小貴 可是看到花枝滿大塊 還可以接收 ㄏㄏ
Squid soup was nice and quite big as photo....
but it is a little bit expensive NTD70~~

連冬天買冰 也要排隊...ㄏㄏ
Even in winter, we had to queue up too....hohoho

台南-安平老街-"大紅"紅豆餅-14 Feb 10

(同時間 Dee也正在排隊 周氏捲)
皮有點軟 內餡太淡 沒什麼味道~~~
Queing up around 30mins..
I was queuing up for this and Dee was at Chou's ...
It looked nice but when eating it...
it made feeling down...not worth it w/ my 30mins...
Cake too soft and filling was too light....*sigh* 

台南-安平老街-周氏蝦捲-Tainan-Anping Old Street- Chow Shrimp's Rolls-14 Feb 10

還好兩個人 所以可以分開排隊....
口味滿重..不會很油 好吃..可是有點小貴
Dee was queing up around 30mins too....
It was lucky we split up queing up for different foods...hehhe
It seems a trade mark "MUST EAT" these foods when visiting Anping street..
Not bad at all...not too oily...quite rich...

香蕉蛋糕-Banana Cake Frosting -27 July 10

蛋糕濕潤 可是糖霜有點太甜
Moist...but the frosting is too sweet .
I already reduced the sugar half...
 Need to reduce it more next time...
I shall add nuts at the the top of frosting...

玉米肉鬆飯團-Corn Meatfloss Glutinous Riceball-28 July 10

糯米有點太黏 所以有用蛋黃炒一下...
The glutinous rice was too sticky...
I fried it a little bit using yolk..hope it won't be too light.. .

大理石蛋糕-Marble Cake-27 July 10

想不到 外觀還滿好看 ㄏㄏ
蛋糕還滿軟 口感也剛剛好~~
I thought it won't be layer..not bad at all...

刁刁客-Shao Shao Ke-24 July 10

 不錯吃  陜西菜...
關於菜:  口味滿重...所以都很下飯...
冷菜 : 酸菜 、竹筍 & 茶 是免費喔  Q(*.*)Q

Not bad at all..
uncommon food... China-Shan Xi's food...never tried before..
The decoration is quite unique...you can find many signatures from guests everywhere..
even at the ceiling too..
About the food: Most of their dishs are rich..
It was really good eating w/ rice~~~
The portion of each dishs are quite small...
therefore we ordered a lot of dishs...
2 kinds of cold dishes & Tea are free~~~*yeahhh**

2010年7月26日 星期一

白巧克力司康-White Chocho Scone-26 July 10

剛剛烤出來很脆 ..好好吃喔
It was very crispy after baking..
But it became a little bit softer at the next day...
You can eat it w/ Jam...
I'll try to add other dried fruits next time..  

瑪麗亞蘋果蛋糕-Maria Apple Cake-27 July 10

有點烤焦~~~還好不錯吃 ㄏㄏ
一邊糅麵糰 一邊講電話..害我忘了放雞蛋.. 厚
洗盤子的時候發現 雞蛋怎麼還在那裡~~~~

Overbaked as usually...but not bad...*lucky*
While mixed the ingredients, I was talking phone w/ Cing2..
OMG..forgot to put the eggs *sigh*
I found it when saw eggs still on the bowl..*fuihh*
The dough was too liquid coz the apple's juice..
I shall shift it before mix w/ the dough..

留奶堂麵包""洋蔥培根-Bacon w/ Onion -14 July 10

Not bad..yummy~~~

金格歐式年輪蛋糕-Baumkuchen-23 July 10

Gary 送給大家 因為他兒子一歲了
不錯吃  不甜喔...
Congrats to Gary for 1st year of their baby boy...

好市多-雞肉捲-Chicken Roll by Costo-23 July 10

從第一次吃 就愛上了
 每次去好市多 必吃喔
我當會員 也是因為這理由喔~~~
Love their Chicken Roll..
The reason I become member coz of this too..
I have to buy it everytime visiting Costco..~~ 

烤布丁土司-Toast Pudding-24 July 10

不錯吃 ..下次可以用巧克力牛奶~~~
Some hotels will prepare this bread for breakfast...
not bad at all...I'll use chocho milk next time...

2010年7月25日 星期日

烤土司肉桂棒-Cinnamon Toast Stick-24 July 10

沒什麼味道 所以要加巧克力醬~~
A little bit tasteless..so I added Chocho syrup ~~

爆醬巧克力-Volcano Chocho-24 July 10

不錯吃 隔天吃 部再烤還是好吃~~~
A little bit overbaked...the chocho explosion was not enough...
It was still nite even ate by overnight

炒麵-Sausage Fried Noodle-24 July 10

For me..it is not bad...
I am prefer Sweet flavours 
so I'll add more sweet sauce next time...

淡水-"奶霜麵包&全麥起士麵包"Custard & Cheese Wheat Bread--25 July 20

*全麥起士不錯吃喔 ,裡面很多起士塊喔~~~
吃之前 再烤一下下  上面的起士會比較脆喔~~
托麗英的福 有口福吃得到淡水麵包~~~~

Custard was too light & tasteless...
But Cheese Wheat Bread is nice...
you can find so many cheese block inside. ..yummy yummy..
Recommended: Bake it again before eat it...
Thanks to Lieing~~~

蘇打餅乾-Salty Crackers-23 July 10

不錯吃喔  not bad

2010年7月22日 星期四

內湖-大榮華-牛腩炒麵-Nei Hu-Ta Rong Hua-Beef Fried Noodles-23 July 10

今天點的時候 特別跟師傅講 "口為重一點喔".
牛肉還滿大塊 很嫩 不錯吃喔
Before start cooking...I told the chef.."more rich pls"...
It is improved but a little bit too salty~~
Beef is big and quite soft...not bad at all~~

香蕉蛋糕-Banana Cake-23 July 10

可是一直做不好....好像還是攪不均 *唉呀* 
It is an easy recipe but it is a challenge for me..
I need to learn how to mix it well...*sigh*

內湖-大榮華-廣東炒麵-22 July 10

看起來不錯喔 可是太淡 連同事們都覺得沒味道
因為我們四個人買便當 所以老闆有送港式泡菜喔
好好吃 好像用莎拉醬 會甜甜ㄉ喔
Finally Nei hu has Hongkong's style Stir Fried Food
It looks delicious...but not rich enough..too light..
even my colleagues said same as me too...*sigh*
I'll ask them to make it more rich...hehehe
The boss gave us Kimchi in Hongkong style...
I think...they added mayonnaise coz the taste is sweet not sour
very nice...

烤巧克力土司-Baked Chocho Toast-22 July 10

早上烤ㄉ ㄏㄏ
不錯吃 可是不夠濃 可能用奶粉...
以後要用牛奶 應該會比較香

I baked it this morning..
not rich enough..just wondering..is it coz of using milk powder i/o fresh milk?
I'll try it next time..