2011年3月28日 星期一

台北-內湖-下午茶-松滿樓-Tpe-Nei HU-"Open House-Tea Time & Song Moon House-26 March 11

I invited An2..Anne..Cing2..Lieing..& Yenmei...
to visit my new home in Nei Hu..
I prepared some dessert from11am and finished around 03:00pm..
Thanks God..they loved it..hehehe..

After that we continued our dinner at Song Moon House ...
Yenmei's hubby and Tony joined for the dinner
We ordered these dishes :
前菜: 豆干&花生-Appetizer: Fried Tofu & Peanuts
蒼蠅頭-Cang Yin Tou
山東雞-Shan Dong Chicken
鹹蛋苦瓜-Xian Dan Ku Gua
酸菜白肉鍋-Sour Pork Soup: Nice but too salty too me
豆酥魚-Steam Cripsy Fish 
炸腸乾扁四季豆-Fried Sausage Bean
Overall were rich, tender and yummy yummy...

