2010年11月14日 星期日

Dinner-Xinxia-Uttura-Dhaka-12 Nov 10

進餐廳來都沒客人喔 只有我們五個人
味道跟每家餐廳都差不多 偏甜、重口味..
他們有準備蜂蜜醬&醬油好好吃喔 跟飯、炸雞吃 很下飯
我們的餐桌是長四方形 所以有些菜夾不到
這種情形可以請服務生拿喔    很棒ㄅ
老孟 吃飯之後 大部分馬上走 都不會閒聊….
When entering the restaurant..OMG…nobody was inside..
We booked a whole restaurant for free…
We ordered Beef Steak, Stir Fried Sweet Sour Chicken, Fried chicken, Fried rice, Tom Yam Soup.
Same as Sea Shell, their flavor were rich, sweet and a little bit spicy
Their honey & soy bean sauce were really nice..just combine with rice or fried rice…yummy..
I just realized that waiters can help us to pass the dishes that we can’t reach by our hands ..
They always just go away after finishing the meals..no chatting or something..heheh..

