2010年11月7日 星期日

Dinner-Bengali’s food in Uttura-Dhaka-6&7 Nov 10

謝謝 Lena..讓我有機會吃老孟的當地餐廳..
因為那時候正在停電 所以拍照有點暗…
Fuska: 炸麵粉上面有一些玉米、菜、等 配特製的醬 (甜辣) 超好吃喔
Sharma: 肉菜捲用沙拉醬吃 味道很濃 好吃…
炸雞: 當然每餐都不能少..有附高麗菜絲+沙拉醬….因此炸雞沒什麽味道 因為要配醬吃
Thanks to Lena brought me to this restaurant and eat Bengali’s food.
Fuska: Fried flour w/ mash potato, corn, vegetables and combine w/ spicy, sweet sauce..really really nice.
Sharma: Meat Vegetables Roll Parata w/ mayonnaise sauce…Love it….
Fried Chicken: Of course..you never miss this menu at your meal…a little bit tasteless coz you have combine w/ mayonnaise cabbages. It cost BDK240.(NTD120) …

We visited again on 7 Nov...and ordered Fuskha again..really nice..love it..
The restaurant's name is Mini Chinese..very cute..rite..
coz you can find chinese food here too..hahaha...


