2010年11月7日 星期日

孟加拉水果-Bangladesh's fruits-5 Nov 10

蘋果很小粒 不會很酸 也不會很甜
鳳梨 很酸跟印尼一樣 在這邊變喜歡喝鳳梨汁
Amoloki: 酸苦..可是 Judy 很喜歡吃 把全部吃完
Chalta: 纖維太多、酸、苦…
Apple was quite small & but taste good.
Pineapple was similar w/ Indonesia…quite sour…
that’s why asked Judy asked Rasme to make Pineapple Juice..
Guava was not crispy as Taiwan but good.
Chalta was the strange fruit..coz fiber was too many..dunno how to eat it..but it tasted sour and bitter.

