2010年11月8日 星期一

Bengali’s Food-Dinner-7 Nov 10

今天因為Rasme 早一點下班 所以每晚餐可以吃
本來要跟Lena一起吃 可是太晚 所以他先回去了
Johnny請我吃 當地傳統餐廳..
雖然已經7點可是裡面都沒什麼客人 因為晚餐時間是大該8點以上…
肉通通都到齊喔 羊肉、牛肉、雞肉 + 囊麵包
口味很重 肉也多 跟囊吃很好吃…
烤雞胸有點太乾 可是皮好好吃喔
聽Johnny講…他也是第一次逛ㄏㄏ …謝謝ㄌ

Rasme was going to church today..therefore no dinner tonite…
Actually Lena would like to join us..but she must back to her family soon..
Johnny treated me eating at Bengali’s traditional restaurant…
you can find Grill chicken outside the restaurant then go to basement for eating..
07:00pm is too early for bengali’s dinner therefore there was less people inside…
Most of waiters are male…no women…
We ordered al l meat…mutton, chicken, beef + nan…
It was perfect…eating w/ nan…rich flavor…
Mutton wasn’t so smelly…but I might eat the muscule..tats why quite stiff..
Beef was similar with Indonesia rendang….
Grilled Chicken Chest was overgrilled…too dry…but the skin was nice…
GrilLed Chicked Satay was Q and rich..
Really really nice dinner…
We were going to nite market after dinner..
It was the 1st time for me & also for Johnny too~~~
Anyway..thanks to him….

