門口有兩條獅子ㄉ雕像 可是ㄋ 餐廳的裝潢是有歐洲、印獨等ㄉ感覺
有點暗 有點浪漫氣氛…ㄏㄏ
中國菜、泰菜、印度菜通通都有喔 很奇怪ㄅ
看起來是中國菜&泰菜 就是用”當地的口味炒ㄉ喔” 口味重 &偏甜
這幾天吃都沒有偏鹹 因為Rasme(Johnny’s女佣)之前每次煮菜偏鹹 可是已經改善ㄌ
Mr. Monir 點3道菜: 牛肉咖哩、海鮮炒飯、炒雞肉、印度餅囊奶油口味
牛肉很Q、很有嚼筋 ..炒飯&雞肉都很入味….…通通都很下飯
印度囊餅: 剛烤出來 單獨吃也好吃 有點鹹鹹ㄉ、跟咖哩醬吃口味比較重一點
像這種餐廳 服務生會幫你端菜喔 很棒ㄅ ㄏㄏ
雖然很晚:10:00pm 客人還是陸陸續續進來喔
Twin Lions Statue at front of the door
Inside decoration looks more combination of Europe, India, etc.
a little bit dark (romantic)
Quite strange right…..but it is Bangladesh…
You can find Bengali’s flavour of Chinese, Thai and Indian Foods here..
Rich and Sweet..not Salty as Rasme cooked..but already improved now..
Mr. Monir ordered 3dishes: Beef Curry, Sea Food Fried Rice, Stir Fried Chicken, India Naan..
Seasoning Curry Beef was quite chewy & rich...
Chicken, Fried Rice were rich flavor & made you eat more and more..
Naan: Yummy even w/o curry sauce..
The waiters will serve you and put all the dishes at your plate..really nice…
We ate around 10:00pm but seem the business was just starting…
Coz so many people were coming after us…..nice dinner..