2010年7月28日 星期三

台南-連得堂-Tainan Lian De Dang-15 Feb 10

店面很傳統喔 老闆在店裡慢慢做煎餅...
美個口味買一包..覺得最好吃還是原味 "味噌"..
後來想再買..老闆講 "限定一個人一天只能買2包" 厚
都沒什麼人排隊...還要限定 真是ㄉ...
The store is really traditional as you see at blw pic.
We bought all 4flavours and The most yummy was original flavour...
When we wanted buying more...they said." LIMITED -ONE PERSON : 2PACKS/DAY"  
No one was queuing up..but still limited...*Sigh*

