2010年7月15日 星期四

台南-劉家/品香肉粽-Tainan Glutinous Rice-14-16 Feb 10

台南肉粽真的好好吃喔~~~ (**)QQQ
1. "品香": 是網友有介紹過...
剛好在孔廟附近剛好有活動 所以不要再 
所以很多商家都擺攤  想吃什麼都有
2. 劉家 是我們騎機車的時候不小心看到...後來下車 吃看看

在台灣有分: 北部跟南部粽:
 a. 台南肉粽: 生糯米和內餡跟葉子包好再用水煮 還有會加 醬料 或 花生粉(看個人口味)
所以南部口味  口味比較重、比較甜..真的適合我ㄌㄏ ㄏ

 b. 台北肉粽 : 煮好/炒好的的糯米和內餡, 再用葉子包
     糯米有炒過 所以吃的時候不用加醬料....已經有味道了...

Tainan's Sticky Rice Ball is really nice...love it....
Coz it is more rich and sweet than Taipei's
1. Pin Xiang: I ever saw this brand on internet...
It was very luck coz at there was a bazar near Conficious Temple..
you can find many stores selling their foods there.

2. Liu Family: We found it when trying to find another food..
it is really good and love it...we ate twice~~~~

When Dragon Boat Festival is coming....
Most of people, hotel, stores are selling glutinous rice, even housewives too
But about the flavours...it is divided: South or North styles...
1. South styles:
Raw Glutinuous Rice, filling are boiled by water together wrapping w/ special dried leaves
Most of stores have special sauce to sprinkle on it. It is really good.

2. North styles:
Glutinous Rice & filling are already cooked or stir fried then wrapping by special dried leaves
You just eat it direclty, no need to add special sauce on it.  


