2010年7月29日 星期四

嘉義-郭家粿仔湯、雞肉飯-Jia Yi-Guo Family -Chicken Rice, Mix Glutinous Soup-15 Feb 10

到處都看得到雞肉飯喔 問題是 "那一家最好吃呢?"
我們吃了很多家 通通都不錯吃喔
可是最喜歡這家喔 很香喔
Chicken Rice is a signature dish from JiaYi.
You have to eat it ~~
Don't worry...You can find it everywhere ..
We tried 4-5 different stores..
But which one is the best?
We chose Guo Family...coz they added some sauce in the rice..
really nice...yummy..

