2010年7月5日 星期一

北車-喜園-鐵板牛肉刀消麵-Steak Beef Sliced Noodles- 4 July 10

肚子餓的時候 去北車2樓 都可以解決
可是太多餐廳的時候 都很難確定要選那一家呢
這次我選了 這家~~~因為看到刀消麵看起來好好吃喔
不錯吃.. 可是要努力攪拌 不然醬不會均勻
(後來我有再加醬 因為味道太淡)
When you feel hungry...just go to Tpe Main Station 2nd Fl..
you can choose whatever you want to eat..
But sometimes...it is really difficult to decide which one is better
I decided to order Steak Beef coz the sliced noodles looked very nice...
not bad actually..but you have to stir it very well...
I asked more of sauce..coz too light... 

