2010年10月13日 星期三

咖啡麵包-Rotiboy & Papabunz-8 Oct 10

前面那家 "Roti"比較香 比較好吃...
要找這麵包店滿簡單 因為從遠方都可以聞道麵包香味了~~
台北也有 可是麵包不夠香..
 裡面是包奶油 而已 可是賣的嚇嚇叫喔 因為太香~~~
Both are selling "Coffee Bread"
Rotiboy is original brand and the best~~~
It is very easy to find this store, because you can smell it from anywhere..
Taipei has similiar but not really nice...
Even only selling one product but it is very best seller...~~~~

