2010年6月21日 星期一

華西夜市-"頂級"甜不辣-"DingJi" Tempura-@HuaXi Nite Market-18 June 10

大碗要 NTD50
請記主: 部要馬上吃喔 因為真的很湯ㄏㄏ
吃完之後 可以跟老闆要喝湯~~
再次提醒你...很湯喔 ㄏㄏ
Big size: one bowl-NTD50
Tempura, Fish meat ball, Tofu, Pig's blood cake, radish.+ add special sauce..
Pls pls...dont eat directly.....
Hot...hot.....you have to blow it before eating... ~~(*.*)~~
The sauce was really nice....
After finished it...continue w/ the soup..
Yes..that's rite....just ask them to fill it at the same bowl...
again....HOTTTTT....but nice...

